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Phyllida Hancock

Who is she?

Phyllida Hancock Phyllida is a Ranmore Associate and works as a workshop designer and facilitator.

After graduating from Cambridge University, Phyllida worked as an actress and singer for 12 years in the theatre and on television, including two years with the Royal Shakespeare Company. She also taught a course on ‘Women in Shakespeare' at Washington University in St Louis, Missouri, and participated in workshops and lectures on Shakespeare for several British universities.

Since 1998 she has been working independently designing and delivering workshops, initially using role play and forum theatre, including 18 months running diversity courses across the Criminal Justice System. She then moved to the then Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) as a consultant in their futurefocus@dti facility working between 1999 and 2003 on scenario planning, performance management, business planning and project working with DTI and its customers across business and Government. This led to involvement with the ‘learning the habit of innovation' project, helping to develop the i-lab projects in universities across East Anglia, where she still works occasionally as a facilitator. She also collaborated with the (then) DfES to build a set of scenarios for the future of education and life-long learning.

Since 2003 Phyllida has been delivering workshops on leadership and on change management to clients including the National School for Government, Oxford Said Business School, the Metropolitan Police, the King's Fund, the Leadership Foundation and many other public and private sector organisations.

What can she offer?

Phyllida can contribute in several ways;

  • Through running creativity workshops;
  • By facilitating group working; and
  • By assisting groups explore the nature of innovation.